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◆"Banquet of the Primitive man" is a life game of the primitive man.

You become the head of the tribes of primitive times, We will strive to win the strength of the testimony by hunting and gathering, while nourish the tribes go something more.

Not only you those who have a household, there also would be aimed prey at the same time and unexpectedly other tribes. Coincidentally, it is a standoff that will begin to come to hunt weapons of as much capacity, it is also that it would have been hunted to inadvertently also another tribe…

We won the compectition in your helm, won the food to feed and the prey more valuable, let's grow the strongest of the tribe to show the majesty.

Banquet of the Primitive man english Manual

◆"OLE-KAJI" is a worker placement board game.

Since its launch at the Tokyo Game Market 2014 spring, it is said that it was interesting to people who had you playing.

When you have fun that was to hand.

OLE-KAJI English Manual Summary of cards

◆"Father Mole" is a burst system your treasure hunting game.

From small children to the elderly, is a simple game that can be enjoyed in a wide range of layers.

Father Mole English Manual

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